Galaga Birdhouse

Hi there, Some pictures here of a Galaga Birdhouse I made.

Side drawing of the plan
I started out with a drawing of the side with all the parts. The top will be detachable to be able to remove the junk the birds might leave behind after nesting.

Got wood! All the parts cut out. Sort of layed out in the location where they will go in the birdhouse.

I put all the parts together with the birdhouse laying on it's side.

Same thing with slightly different view.

I took off the top board (left side) so the insides are visible. The roof of the birdhouse is visible as a detachable part.

BTW I ran out of wood so I had to make the bottom plate from two pieces :)

Finished after two coats of stain.

Still to be done:
- Hang up on shed or other north facing wall
- Wait for birds to show up ...

The birdhouse is made for a 'Blue Tit'.

Blue tit seen in another birdhouse in the yard.

The same bird on a branch.